Jamie Davenport

Gameplay Programmer, Software Developer, and AI Enthusiast


After graduating from the University of Central Lancashire with a First Class Honours in BSc Computer Game Development in December 2018, I went on to my current role at Capita writing and maintaining critical communication systems for emergency contact centers across the UK. See the Capita section under "Projects and Experience" for more details about this work.

While at University I learned a lot of technical skills and technologies, the course was primarily focused on technical skills such as Mathematics (Linear Algebra, Matrices, Quaternions, Vectors etc), Object Oriented Programming, Problem Solving, Optimisation & Debugging, Game Technologies & Techniques, and 3D Graphics in DirectX to name a few.

The games that I enjoy and inspire me the most use unique mechanics, strong narrative, and beautiful soundtracks. In my spare time I enjoy playing guitar, discovering new artists, and researching Psychology Theories and studies relevant to computer games. I believe my strong written and spoken communication skills really set me apart in this industry; I'm a very socialable person and thrive in opportunities to work with other developers and clients to create a solution everyone can be proud of!

Skills and Tools
